Rolling Legal is attending the DRT 2022, the German Legal Specialists’ Days that will happen between the 18th and 19th of November at the Maritim & Congress Centrum in Bremen.

Organized by Hans Soldan GmbH, the leading provider of office supplies, specialist media and office services for lawyers in Germany, the event offers a cutting-edge lecture program with well-known speakers:

  • Ronja Tietje, board member of the ReNo Bundesverband, speaks about further training opportunities against the background of the lack of employees and changes in law firms.
  • Christian Rekop, Head of Business Development, Legal Tech and Services at Soldan, gives a market overview of the digital solutions in the law firm.
  • Ilona Cosack, owner of ABC AnwaltsBeratung Cosack, deals with law firm strategies for the future and their successful implementation.
  • Jakob Lipp, an expert in non-verbal communication, encourager and mentalist, will hold the keynote speech on the topic of “Courage to Change”.

For more information and tickets visit: Soldan DRT 2022

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